Whey & Greens

Tony Meives

Can Greens Powder Replace Vegetables?

In the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle, we often seek out convenient alternatives to ensure our bodies receive essential nutrients. One such option gaining popularity is greens powder—a concentrated blend of various vegetables, fruits, and other plant-based ingredients. While greens powders can provide a convenient source of vitamins and minerals, they should be a supplement to your diet not a replacement of vegetables. The Nutritional Benefits of Greens Powder Greens powders are typically formulated to include a variety of vegetables, algae, grasses, and other plant-based ingredients. They are designed to offer a concentrated source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients. These...

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Tony Meives
How much protein should I actually consume ?

How much protein should I actually consume ?

How much protein should I really be consuming daily?Many of you know our sister Brand, Badger Fitness, a 24 Hour Gym, where we've had the pleasure of working with THOUSANDS of individuals on Nutrition & Exercise.  That being said, I know how common this question gets twisted, turned, and burned.I still remember 15 years ago in a college Nutrition class going over the recommendations.  Things have changed a bit!  I'm seeing a trend in an increase of recommended daily protein throughout the years, especially those who are active.We all know that protein repairs muscle tissue, but did you know protein...

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