Is Pure Choice Whey From "Grass Fed" Cows?
You've probably heard the term "grass fed" get thrown around a lot.
In agriculture, "grass fed" is complicated, and honestly, it's a deceiving term companies put on their labels.
What do you think of when you hear of something being grass fed?
Most people assume that the animals ONLY ate grass.
That's not actually the case . . .
Brands who want to claim "grass fed" must disclose the percentage of grass in their diet to use the Trademark on their packaging.
It's VERY rarely 100%.
Every farmer we know and work with wants their cattle grazing in their pasture as much as possible eating grass. It's healthy, cows love it, and their land provides it.
Unfortunately, the harsh winters here in Wisconsin limit them from eating grass year-round, but they enjoy that green grass during all the months that they can.
The point is, all of the local cows that provide Pure Choice Farms Whey absolutely eat delicious green grass, we simply haven't applied for the trademark with an estimated percentage.