Whey & Greens

Tony Meives

What is Whey Protein?

Whey protein is a high-quality, complete protein derived from milk during the cheese-making process. It's one of two main proteins found in milk, with the other being casein protein. Whey protein is separated from the liquid part of milk (the whey) and undergoes various processing methods to create protein supplements in the form of powder, concentrates, isolates, and more. Types of Whey Protein The most common types of whey protein are Whey Concentrate and Whey Isolate Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC) Whey Protein Concentrate contains varying amounts of protein (typically around 70-80%), with the rest composed of fats and carbohydrates. It...

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Tony Meives

How to Increase Protein Intake

Protein is an essential nutrient for our bodies, especially for those who are fitness-minded and looking to build muscle, recover after intense workouts, or simply maintain a healthy lifestyle. The recommended daily intake generally ranges from 0.75 to 1.25 grams of protein per pound of body weight. It's often challenging to eat that many grams of protein per day without prioritizing this macronutrient and intentionally planning out your meals a head of time. Here are a few options to help you hit your protein goals!  Increase Protein Intake with High-Protein Foods One of the most effective ways to increase your...

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Tony Meives

Is Whey Protein Good for You?

Whey protein stands tall as a trusted ally for fitness enthusiasts and health-conscious individuals alike, but is whey protein truly a good addition to your diet? Whey protein might sound like a complex laboratory creation, but it's actually a natural byproduct of the cheese-making process. When milk is coagulated to form cheese, whey is the watery part that separates from the curd. This whey is then processed to isolate the protein content, resulting in the protein powder you're familiar with.   Increasing Protein In Your Diet Most people don't consume enough protein in their daily diets. Protein is essential for...

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Tony Meives

Pea Protein vs. Whey Protein - Which Is Right For You?

Protein is an essential macronutrient that plays a vital role in our overall health and well-being. Whether you're an athlete looking to build muscle, someone trying to meet their daily protein requirements, or simply curious about supplementing your diet, pea protein and whey protein are two popular options to consider. Where Does Pea Protein Come From? Pea protein is sourced from yellow split peas, which are a type of legume. It's a plant-based protein, making it an ideal choice for vegetarians and vegans. Pea protein is also gluten-free.  Where Does Whey Protein Come From?  Whey protein is derived from milk,...

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